Oil Catch Tank Mod with ESS TS2


After some thinking, I decided to modify the oil vapor system of my ESS TS2 to use an oil catch tank. The ultimate purpose of this mod is to collect oil vapors/droplets before entering the intake manifold. This mod will prevent oil vapors from sticking on the Laminova heat exchange cores inside the manifold hence having a cleaner system. I did some research and decided to use the following tank (got it from ebay).


I finally got the oil catch tank and seem to be very good quality, thick all-aluminum construction. The supplied green hose doesn't look good for the purpose but I don't care since I will be using my own hoses. Now, I have identified 2 possible locations to mount the tank which don't require any modifications such as drilling. One spot is in the ECU area, right next to the ESS manifold. To get the hoses there is easy and requires a bracket to help secure the tank. The bad thing is that it's difficult to get it out when it fills, unless I use longer hoses which is difficult since the area is small and the hoses are tough to bend.

The second location is on the other side of the car, next to the windshield fluid tank, which is empty space reserved for the US cars with that secondary air injection pump thing. That spot already provides the mounting points, but that would mean much longer hoses, coming out of the valve cover, going towards the firewall, then going to the tank and from there, back to the intake. Another concern is the heat coming from the exhaust manifolds, how it will affect the hoses which will be around 15" above. I plan to use a hose of identical internal diameter as the ESS uses but thinner ones as I don't think a 60bar hose is necessary to transfer oil vapors.


Some pictures of the initial route next to the ECU cover


10 bar hose with OEM hose to help connect to valve cover vent




I had the tank just sitting there but something needs to be fabricated to hold it in place


Alternative location of tank



Alternative #2 Location for tank


After some consideration, I finally installed the tank in location #2:


Smaller hose going out from valve cover


Smaller hose going out from intake



90 Degree angle to route hose to ECU area



L shaped bracket to secure the catch tank


Securing the tank with some large clips. OEM clips from intake boot work just fine.


Making a hole in the OEM rubber cover


And the tank installed